
What is intelligent digital marketing? 

There is a vast array of digital marketing agencies and services nowadays. Many businesses and business owners have pivoted towards digital marketing to facilitate the growing consumer trend to search and purchase online. Generally speaking, business owners should not have the time to focus on their digital marketing which means finding the right digital marketing agency, consultant or partner is an integral and critical component for success online. ‍

There is a vast array of digital marketing agencies and services nowadays. Many businesses and business owners have pivoted towards digital marketing to facilitate the growing consumer trend to search and purchase online. Generally speaking, business owners should not have the time to focus on their digital marketing which means finding the right digital marketing agency, consultant or partner is an integral and critical component for success online. 

What is digital marketing? 

Digital marketing is any marketing that occurs online or via other forms of digital communication. This includes and is not limited to social media, SEO, pay per click platforms such as Google and Facebook, email marketing, and content marketing. There is a realm of possibilities and strategies available to businesses and business owners. However, knowing what is going to work best requires an understanding of the product or service, the market for that product or service, and a discerning mind to craft and curate a strategy that enables the highest potentiality for someone looking at their screen to then engage with that business. 

How can digital marketing be done intelligently? 

Digital marketing isn’t about setting and forgetting your campaigns exist and then hoping they shoot your profits to the moon. A dynamic and scientific approach is necessitated to get the best results online. With ever-changing algorithms and new competition every day, the cream always rises to the top by creating and implementing effective strategies that are methodically tested, analysed and then re-implemented with updates from the previous learnings. Typically, you want to interface with the data you as a human can see in the same way machine learning interfaces with data. This model of interfacing and learning from the data is synonymous with feedback loops in computer science or in social psychology and is constantly in a loop with itself to improve and be better. 

What are some ways to improve my digital marketing?

There are several ways to market more intelligently online. Here are some of the main ones that work and are easier to understand than vector calculus. 

  • Conversion tracking

Just like any bridge or building needs a strong foundation, every digital marketing campaign needs conversion tracking. If you’re not able to track where that phone call is coming from, or whether that purchase was from an email, Google Ads, or organic search, you will never know what’s working and how to improve. Without conversion tracking, you’re shooting arrows in the dark hoping to hit a bullseye. With conversion tracking, it’s like shooting a water tank which means you have full transparency over what is and isn’t working, and is essential for A/B or Split Testing. 

  • A/B or Split Testing

A/B or Split Testing is a commonly used term in digital marketing spheres. Fundamentally, it’s the ability to test two independent variables against one another. What this allows you to do is improve ads by ‘knowing’ the difference or independent variables vs. other ads. It also requires that you’re stringent with themes or messages so that you do not lose sight of the independent variable you’re trying to split test. Subsequently, each iteration of ads should become more effective at targeting and creating a nexus and relationship between businesses and prospective buyers. The principal reason for this is that the previous data set was able to articulate and outline what messages, ads or creatives were the strongest, and this data then formed the foundation and strategy for the next cycle. This is how A/B or split testing can help you drill down on what is resonating with your audience, and then how to improve upon your existing campaigns. 

  • Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is a great tool that helps you understand what your competition is doing online. By analysing your competition, you can begin to see and understand where your business’s digital marketing may be deficient or perhaps find unexplored or other opportunities in your relevant market. It also provides insightful feedback on opportunities for ads, creatives, branding or even SEO. Facebook allows you to see your competitors’ ads and is extremely useful when wanting to know what your competitors are doing, how their ads look, and what their top performing ads are. For example, if a business has been running an ad since December last year, it is generally safe to say that the ad must be doing something right or they’ve forgotten to update their ads. Google Ads provides auction insights as a tool to see how your competitors are ranking and how much of the market share you own on the same auctions (clicks) that your competitors are targeting. There are several SEO tools that allow you to see how your competitors are ranking on keywords, as well as their backlinking portfolio. When it comes to digital marketing, competitor analysis allows you insight into the ideas, messaging and themes of your competitors which then allows you to develop your own heuristics and mental kaleidoscope on how to advertise and build your business. 

Mensa Marketing is Australia’s intelligent marketing agency. 

Mensa Marketing prides itself on being really, really, really intelligent. Comprising mainly individuals with backgrounds in computer science and data analytics, Mensa Marketing is able to sift through and discern data like no other agency in Australia. When it comes to the small things - a new Instagram creative or Google Ads description line - we analyse and implement the exact solution a business needs to succeed. When it comes to software and technology, no automation, software or CRM is too difficult for us to handle. For high-impact services and solutions guaranteed to give your business the highest potentiality and proclivity for success, Mensa Marketing is the way to go.  

For any questions about intelligent digital marketing or how to improve your business’s digital footprint and results, reach out to us at Mensa Marketing. You can contact our team of digital strategy experts at (+61) 488 822 234 or

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